Support CIR’s restoration work on the Channel Islands and mainland image

Support CIR’s restoration work on the Channel Islands and mainland

And get details about our new San Marcos Foothills Preserve shirts below!


Thanks to volunteer Dawn Erickson and Board Member Carol Gravelle, we are thrilled to provide newly designed merchandise and stickers for sustaining CIR members.

Sustaining members of $10 a month or higher have the option to receive a new San Marcos Foothills Preserve CIR t-shirt. If you would prefer to make a one-time donation or if you want a different t-shirt click here. The back of our San Marcos Foothills Preserve shirts will feature stunning native bird-inspired artwork and the front will display our new San Marcos Foothills Preserve logo. Long sleeve color options include Sand and Stone-Washed Green, short sleeve color options include Natural or Texas Orange.

We thank you for your ongoing support to Channel Islands Restoration!