Elings Park Volunteer Day - October 17, 2024
October 17, 2024 @ 9:00AM — 3:00PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Elings Park: 1298 Las Positas Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Get Directions
Elings Park Transformation Project
Thursday, October 17th, 2024
Channel Islands Restoration and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden are working together to transform a one-acre plot in Elings Park into a native plant habitat, and we need your help!
Join us for a morning or afternoon shift:
Morning Shift: 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Afternoon Shift: 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.
Details: Beginning in the fall of 2023 and running for three years, this restoration project concentrates on California-native plants within a one-acre plot and compares the abundance, diversity, and composition of plant and animal life before and after the transformation. To achieve this work, we’re seeking volunteers to help clear invasive plant species, prepare the site for plantings, plant our projected 1,400 plants, and monitor the progress along the way through varied scientific methods.
Working in partnership with Elings Park and Channel Islands Restoration, volunteer opportunities will evolve as the project continues.
When You Volunteer With Us Please Remember:
- Wear long, sturdy pants for comfort and safety
- Wear a long sleeve shirt for protection
- Bring sunscreen and a sunhat
- Wear hiking shoes or boots for safety. No flip-flops or sandals allowed
- Bring plenty of water and snacks for the day
- Make sure to sign all required waivers before arrival
Have Photos From Your Volunteer Day?
- Tag @channelislandsrestoration on Instagram.
- Or send your photos to volunteer@cirweb.org for a feature.
Directions: When you get to the entrance gate, let the attendant know that you're there for the Elings Park Restoration with the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Continue straight up the driveway to the last parking lot where the Elings Park office is located. The far end of this parking lot has a trail head that will take you to the restoration area at the top of the hill.