February 15th, 7pm, San Marcos Foothills Docent Zoom Info Session
February 15, 2023 @ 7:00PM — 8:00PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar

Share your love for nature with the community.
Channel Islands Restoration is holding public meetings to introduce our supporters to our new docent program. Two of the meetings will be held on Zoom in the evenings, and one will be held in person during the day at the Preserve on these dates: Wednesday, February 15, 7:00 PM (Zoom) Saturday, February 18, 10:00 AM (in person at SMF) Monday, February 20, 8:00 PM (Zoom)
The San Marcos Foothills has hundreds of stories to tell...
Each plant community, species of animal, group of invertebrates, rock formation, and geophysical feature at the Foothills, interact to form intricate systems.
These systems speak a beautiful language that everyone sees and many of us hear, but few of us understand. Those of us who are active naturalists have some knowledge of these ecological dialects, but most casual observers may not recognize the complexity that surrounds them or the effect they have when they visit the area.
For many years CIR has contemplated forming a program at the San Marcos Foothills to help share these stories.
Nearly a decade in the making, the San Marcos Foothills Educational Docent Program will now provide opportunities for those who love nature to pass on mind-blowing environmental principles to their friends and neighbors who visit the Preserve. It will also provide the opportunity to learn from Chumash people about their traditions and connections to the land.